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All Wild Haweswater events

Tree ID for Beginners with the RSPB at Wild Haweswater
Dark Skies Hike at Wild Haweswater
Biofluorescent Night Walks at Wild Haweswater
RSPB Badger Hide at Wild Haweswater | Exclusive Hire
Women-only Map Reading and Navigation at Wild Haweswater
Forest Bathing under the Full Pink Moon at Wild Haweswater
Dawn Chorus Day with the RSPB at Wild Haweswater
Not quite the Dawn Chorus with the RSPB at Wild Haweswater
Forest Bathing at Wild Haweswater
Nature Doodling at Wild Haweswater

Other events and experiences from our partners at Wild Haweswater

Further events and experiences are available from our partners here at Wild Haweswater. Check out the links below to visit their websites and book one of these unique opportunities to enjoy this beautiful part of the Lake District National Park.

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Wild Intrigue's Wild Hides

Woodland Wildlife HidePied Flycatcher Hide

Photograph some of northern England’s most intriguing wildlife, from Wild Intrigue’s purpose built hides here at Wild Haweswater. From the iconic Red Squirrel and the elusive Great Spotted Woodpecker, to the quirky Nuthatch and the stunning Pied Flycatcher, Wild Intrigue’s Wild Hides provide incredible wildlife encounters and photography opportunities.

Food on table in front of window in wildlife hide

Wild Intrigue's Haweswater Experiences

Breakfast with red squirrelsAfternoon Tea in the Woodland Hide

Immerse yourself in the arboreal life of the Red Squirrel and woodland birds, in the mossy woodlands of Wild Haweswater. Based from Wild Intrigue’s comfortable Woodland Wildlife Hide in beautiful Naddle Forest, you will spend a morning or afternoon watching wonderful wildlife whilst enjoying locally sourced food.

Fell pony

Fell Pony Adventures

Swindale Waterfalls 3 day wild campMosedale 3 Day Wilderness TrekHaweswater and High Street 4 day trek

From our basecamp at Naddle Farm at Wild Haweswater, explore this hidden corner of the Lake District with our native Cumbrian Fell ponies. Sleep in a tent and cook over a fire - the ponies carry all your basic equipment from pots and pans to mattresses and sleeping bags. All you need to bring is a small rucksack, suitable all weather clothing and a sense of adventure.

Group of people in forest

At Nature's Pace

Forest BathingWild & Well Swim/HikeBluebells Mindfulness & MeditationFamily Discovery Days

Fun, fascinating days out giving you the tools to rebalance your relationship with the natural world; reconnectrewild and restore. Inspiring you to share them with your family, friends and communities.

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The Wilderness Programme

The Wilderness Programme is a unique opportunity for anyone proactively seeking to exist in a new and more positive way.

Specifically designed to help meet the needs of adult individuals simply needing genuine ‘Time Out’ or struggling with aspects of life.

It is also for those coming to terms with, or in recovery of issues such as addictions, professional burn out, stress, anxiety, depression, PTSD and other mental health related issues.

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